In 2022 PCP United supports volleybal club Fusion Rotterdam by buying a superlot. With the revenues of this event ‘Grote Clubactie‘ the club can make investments for the youth department.

Since 2018 PCP United BV is proud to be sponsor of volleyball club Fusion Rotterdam, at first sponsoring the shirts of the girls in team A1. PCP United continues sponsoring this flourishing club at least until 2024!

In the Voetbaljournaal Lek en IJssel PCP United is advertising again! This time in the edition of spring 2021. PCP United is supporting this way together with others this soccer journal.

Also PCP United supports already twice concerts of choir Joy: the 15th of December 2018 and the 28th of March 2020 in the Alexanderkerk (before Verrijzeniskerk) in Rotterdam Alexanderpolder.
Unfortunately the one this year did not take place because of the corona virus.